We're raising £40,000 for a new stage and seating bank at The Mount Without. We need your help. Please join us.
We're raising £40,000 for a new stage and seating bank at The Mount Without. We need your help. Please join us.
We are asking for your support to transform The Mount Without into a dance dedicated theatre.
We are going to install 200 beautiful and comfortable raked seats and a new sprung floor stage to this iconic city centre building. Over the last 2 years we have raised £125k. We now need £40k to get the project over the line and launch a new theatre for dance in eight weeks time.
Our vision is to make The Mount Without one of the most exciting dance houses in the country and a unique theatre for Bristol. Please join us and help make this a reality.
Below are a list of rewards, which accumulate at each subsequent tier, so if you donate £100 you will receive a limited edition print, a T-shirt and your name on the plaque… and so on.
With enormous thanks from the bottom of our hearts
Josh, Roseanna & all the team here at IMPERMANENCE.
And now, a message from our Patron, Sir Mark Rylance…